Welcome To Our Website!

We have been around since the 1980s. We are constantly evolving and expanding our online
presence with folks from all around the world. RISING PHOENIX is here for you.
If a world has an Evil/Dark - Good/Light side, we cover both.
We are on many worlds but the basic rules apply for all of them.
Thank you for checking us out and hope to see you as part of our growing family soon.
1) We accept new members (a growing family is a plus)
2) We cover all time zones (always a presence on)
3) We accept all play styles (Hard Core , Casual , Family , Mature , Military, to name a few )
4) We accept all levels (brand new to the game or an old timer)
5) We accept all Alts (for those that play more than one toon)
6) We have a wealth of knowledge from our members (should you need assistance).

More Info About Us

We are based out of the United States but we reach across the entire planet. We created this household when the world of online gaming just begun. A group of us - always met in real life and did table-top Pen and Paper gaming. Before long, our lives took different paths and we could no longer have our face-to-face time to get our game on. Online gaming seemed the way to go for us. We could continue to get together over the weekends to bash monsters, solve puzzles, loot corpses, and explore new worlds.

Even More Information About Us

Even then that was not enough. We always talked about how great it would be to "open a game store". In 2002, that became a reality for some of us when we said, "WHY NOT" Rising Phoenix Gaming Experience (RPGE) came to life. Our gaming family exploded over the years. Some we had never met before, they were simply a pixel on the screen before us. When we opened the store - folks heard and came and we got to meet many of the Rising Phoenix family. This is one of the MANY reason we enjoy holding "Meet and Greets" in real life for the folks that can get away for a weekend.
